(Pay no attention to the slightly elongated arm in the third panel ^^)
It seemed to me that Ferny would be the type of villain that would have a Shere Khan type office (think TaleSpin…) with the garden included 🙂
Todays incentive is a blast from the past, the cover of the mini chapter 3.5! I’ll try to get that chapter up as a downloadable PDF as soon as I get the chance ^^
Not at all hopeful with an ominous undertone. Nope, not at all.
“Pay no attention”! She doesn’t look herself with this arm. She’s only recognizable, because there’s no other bears around.
*paying no attention*
I could see Ferneris as Shere-Khan-ish. Except he has much more attractive underlings, for sure. 😀
I believe I shall start hearing that voice when I read Fern’s lines. We’ll see how that works.
Now that you mention it, he might sound a bit “Tony Jay”-ish
That’s a weouht-ought-llt answer to a challenging question
It’s good to see someone thnnikig it through.
Its a trap! 😀 Really she should know better, and that things are rarely this easy.
An unusually LARGE mass of vegetation inside an office. An office, used by someone who isn’t exactly known for having a Green Thumb.
You know, I’d make such a disappointing PC? I’m what they call, “Dangerously Genre Savvy”.
“Pay no attention to the slightly elongated arm in the third panel” I wouldn’t have noticed had you not said that.