Sorry for the delay, guys! I’m still working on todays update! Here’s a little preview of a pissed Evon for now. Come back midnight Tuesday for the complete update as well as the next stage in the latest incentive! I’ll also tweet when the new page is up 🙂
Ooh boy.This announcer hopes that there’s a little bit left to interview after his beat down.
Evon’s heard all she wants to hear from Corrin.I hope that Hero and Ammelia decide to have tea together and let these two settle there differences alone.
It’s my sadistic side showing.Go Evon!
she’s just gearing up for some angry sex
I give it a 25% chance for nasty angry sex. The other 75% go for some serious A$$ whooping in the Nth degree. :3 Either way tomorrow we will find out.
Actually, from the look on Evon’s face in the sketch, I would give it a <0% chance of angry sex. Having seen that look more times than I care to remember, I can guarantee that sex is the LAST thing on her mind. That's a look of "Where's my can of Whoopass?"
If wishes were granted, one would hope that the angry sex is with a certain rodent…
Of course, wasn’t it angry sex that precipitated this whole sorry affair?
I don’t know if you’d call what Evon and Corrin did angry sex. It was more like jealousy sex.
Reever stole my joke!
I think we need a nuclear alarm for this…
Ah, the failure to properly “Sense Motive.”
Reever, you are really creepy. It is obvious to any normal person that Evon is not just angry, but disgusted. To predict incest repeatedly is to ignore everything that Brittany has shown us about Evon in favor of what you wish she’d written, which I find rather disrespectful.
Never having dealt with incest, I’m not particularly disturbed by it, though it’s a very bad idea, but I’d be disturbed by sex with a slimy egomaniac like Corrin even if he weren’t her half-brother.
so…you say you’re not disturbed by it…yet *i’m* creepy…
also, that’s the second time you’ve said something about me, unwarranted i might add. i am simply stating an opinion on how i *think* things could play out, not how they will. i mean no disrespect to the artist of the comic. however, you are forgetting something very important here: the artist herself is the one that made them siblings. if you go back and read the comments prior to the reveal, just about *everyone* was saying they bet her brother was Corrin. it could just as easily have been a new character, but it wasn’t.
i have been reading this comic for several months now and i like the story. i hardly ever post on any comic i read, but i like this one enough to post. the ability to post on a comic is to share one’s opinion on how they see events, not to argue with each other or declaim against others just because *you* don’t agree with people. yes, i may have said it first, but others have posted similar statements, but you single me out for it.
despite that i have nothing against you, but seriously, if you want to make comments like that about people, keep them to yourself, because starting a fight in the posting section is really what’s disrespectful here =/
Here here. I concur, good sir.
Quite right, the artist made them siblings. And everything–EVERYTHING–that we’ve seen, both in the comic and in Brittany’s comments, shows clearly that the intent was shock, shame, and anger on Evon’s part, not lust. I cannot see how anyone noncreepy could miss this. Certainly everybody else seems to see it that way, even those who would ship Evon and Corrin. What got to me was that not only did you miss it, you have missed it REPEATEDLY, repeating your crazy prediction at least three times as the counterevidence mounted. Nobody else has been so insistent.
So tell us. What have you seen in the comic that suggests that Evon, a nice person even if impulsive, would fall into bed with someone who is (a) her half-brother, yuck, and (b) a major slimeball?
Much as I hope for a smackdown, I think the most interesting question at this point is how Evon is going to explain her actions to Ammelia, whatever they are, without telling her that her son is a horrible person.
i don’t read the comments on *every* single comic, why would i? i come to read the comic, not start fights in the comments. i’m honestly trying to be civil about this, but if you prefer i could totally troll on you since you’ve shown me a good way in which to do it…
as far as my ‘crazy’ prediction, it’s really not. Corrin’s past has shown that he’s a charming character. what you see now isn’t much of his charm, but it’s still there. the world in which they inhabit is vastly different than our own. all you’ve seen of it is what’s been shown in the comic thus far, but for all you know the rest of that world’s values could be more like Corrin’s.
what you see in this world are anthropomorphic(humanoid animals) characters. animals can and will procreate through incest as they don’t have the morals humans do. so it’s not completely unreasonable to think that in an world full of anthros, such a thing is ordinary and due to Evon’s ‘sheltered’ upbringing that her views are actually the ones that are wrong.
now, i don’t have the *best* memory, but is seems to me that there was made mention that Felvis was a bit of a pervert as far as his sister was concerned, and i know she walked in on him and Hero while they were in a bath together, so who knows what kind of morals the world could have?
but i guess the best thing to do now is just stop posting since you’re undoubtedly just going to keep calling me a creep or some other thing, but eh, it’s the internet, and that’s what people do on the internet. so good luck in your future arguments online XD
Woooo I called it way back Corrin is her brother Ha Ha Ha what do you gotta say about that Mr. Wax