Today marks the start of a new month and that means a new incentive is up for your viewing pleasure! This time is a WIP pic of Evon and Hero… er, getting a little closer ^^
Also, there’s a new piece of art up in the Fan Art section by Mr Kylhappy! Everyone go take a look! And if there anyone else out there with Evon inspired art send it my way and I’ll post it!
Wow, he’s either completely blind to her obvious rejection of the idea or he’s WAY too confident in his ability to seduce females if not both. Almost makes me wish this comic was a bit more cartoony just to see him blown through the wall as her response to his advances. Then again would be nice to see her do it anyway. 🙂
He is a WIZARD, a sorcerer of GREAT POWER. Who is to say that it is not normal for him to survive such hilarity?
Would certainly be lovely to see, although she’d probably hold herself back on that because she wouldn’t want to damage such a lovely house and because she’d have to explain why to his mother.
Poor girl, after all her trouble getting there she finds out her half-brother is a former lover and worse he’s a sleeze who’s showing he’s beneath those average people he scoffs at rather than above them. He REALLY doesn’t deserve the honor of ever having been with her.
Arrogance=Speech fail. Prepare for EMN (Evon magic-nuke).
Okay, I refrained from commenting on Monday’s because it might have been a ‘We didn’t know!’ kinda deal. Now he’s proven he’s a creepy bastard. Literally.
Did Ammelia drop him on his head as a cub, ’cause his brain is broken.
But that incentive is the BOMB! (Cheering and cartwheels!)
apperently so have her go crazy on him
Okay her brother is a sick man. Saw this one coming and now it looks like she is ready to well…maybe kill him or just beat him up.
FINISH THAT SENTENCE UGH!!! cliffhangers -anger fist shaking- DAMN YOOUUUUUUUU BE Shepard
Corrin should just realise it ain’t gonna work and stop speaking. Evon is really close to magicking the hell out of him.
i’m still sticking to what i said before. i think he will convince her, and they’re going to end up doing it again. just watch, next comic he’ll say what he needs to break through her defense, and then the clothes will come off
I don’t think that that’ll happen, but I REALLY want it to!
avon and the hero
Ya creep.
Ohh shit
Are u serious Corrin? All he’s asking for is Evon to really put him in a world of pain magick style. ;3
okay – to be entirely fair, resistance to sibling incest is based on extended contact during development – when kids grow up together, they get less interested in procreating with each other. Siblings introduced after they both hit adulthood react in more or less the same way as any similar introduction would go.
Having said that, Corrin, you have no empathy at all, cause the girl is screaming “DO NOT WANT!” You @$$. Stop with the creepy. It may not matter at all to you, but it matters to her, even if you don’t feel like a brother to her, because you still feel like a SLEAZY SCUMBALL to her!
ps – the incentive is incredible, and made me emotionally happy. Those two deserve each other.
Ewwwww, so….. much……. slime……. ew ew ew ew
Kill him Evon!
no rip his dick off and feed it to him
Love the voting incentive, by the way. There’s a lot of passion and motion to it. Will it be colored?
Yes, it will be colored 🙂
This makes me happy. To the point of giggling like a school girl…
My money is still on Evon.Come on Corrin.Just continue to say the wrong things at the right time and you’ll win pain my boy.
GO Evon, Beat Corrin!Yeah!
On the plus side,I had written an e-mail to a friend and told him about this update and did it in the spirit of Monday Night Football.Yepper Pepper,I’m listening to the Fanfare of that program.
On my fan art,I have a problem drawing hands.So Evon decided to help me out a bit and cast a harmless hand cover spell for herself and my character,Miss Kikki Mouse(she’s 22,thus the slight size difference).
And yes,I went crackers with the reward on the poster.Seems like a certain someone wants her back and in a hurry.Please enjoy.
Okay, Corrin seemed like an okay guy from way back when, and I actually felt bad for him that Evon slept with him, then just left. But now . . . no sympathy! This guy’s an egotistical whackjob. So much for finding family she can relate to. Hell, she’s better off just treating Ammelia like family.
And that incentive! Entirely not fair! We want to see that as canon! Canon!!
But I still like it. 😀
Listen to the old man who sits in front of the fireplace smoking his pipe. That is how the really nasty jerks are. The allways seem like nice guys when you meet them. It isn’t until later, once they have your trust, that they show their true colors. And generally the nicer they seemed, the nastier they are.
All too true, unfortunately… Though, I do have to say the same goes for a number of females I’ve known. It’s a hell of a thing waking up to find an ex standing over your bed with your Solingen chef’s knife and a very unhappy expression when she was the one that cheated and you had to kick her out…
At least you are still alive and kicking,Estoc.Which kind of means that somehow you got through to her and had her ejected from your life.
Um…I put my foot aside her noggin and called the cops. I didn’t know she was a stark raving psychotic until I met one of ehr previous boyfriends. He was no so lucky and has the scars to prove it. I don’t know why she grabbed my good kitchen knife, though, when there was a perfect hand and a half cut and thrust sword on the wall… I miss that knife. Cutting tomatoes and steaks just isn’t the same. ~sigh~
Now he comes straight out and says it in a way that there can be no doubt about the intentions he’s talking about for us.
I have to admit. Brittany did a good job of gradually turning the dial up on the creep factor through the three pages.
Someone is about to get the crap beat out of them…I hope at least.
oh gawd he is a creeper
and evon is mad…. wats next!
Okay, leave aside his complete lack of ethics. Can he not see that Evon’s objection is one of “ick,” that he will not overcome it, and that he is just digging a big hole for himself? Seriously, he has struck stupid.
I think I’ll take cover over there . . .
*points to a safe place to hide*
Tac-nuke, target: brother.
T-10, 9, 8, 7….
Stepping aside of the sibling sex issue: am I the only one who notices something weird with Evon’s legs? It may have not been the artist’s intention, bit it looks like Evon has three legs there.
Where? Are you taking her boot in panel 1 as a third leg?
Yes, I am in fact talking about the first panel. Somehow it got lost from my official post. And yes, I figure that it was probably supposed to be her boot. The problem is that you need to really squint your eyes to figure out what is going on in that panel.
Being a person whose level of cartooning got stuck with stick figures (and not the good XKCD kind), I know that I probably have very little clad to complain. BUT … it just does not feel good perspective-wise. If I could draw, I would either remove the fold of the skirt that hides the transition between leg and foot, or I would somehow make it very obvious that it is in fact a boot. As it is right now, it just confuses me a lot.
And now let the flamewar commence.
Shut your festering gob, you tit! Your type really makes me puke, you vacuous, coffee-nosed, malodorous pervert!
(Also you are a snotty-faced heap of parrot droppings.)
Well played, sir, well played. Thank you for enriching my curses vocabulary. You are a truly inspirational individual, showing us mortals how to creatively use English language.
My sincere apologies. I should verify what I cut’n’paste. You are of course toffee-nosed, not coffee-nosed.
I see what you mean.The angle at which her boot lays makes it look like there is a third leg.But then again that may be her foot coming out of that boot,thus making the angle look unnatural.
And this has officially hit the fan
This is some flying shit.
If he could, he should take a look at our world’s kings of past. All those physical and mental troubles brought by years and years of inbreeding should make him change his mind.
Set magic to “smack!”
Hmm. By the looks of it, it looks like he had her. But instead of going in for a kiss, he kept talking and lost her.