Volume Five, Chapter Twenty-Three, Page 974
I hope everyone had a good week!
Todays voting incentive is a sketch of Freya wearing the clothes she first appeared in 🙂
Have a great weekend and be safe!
I hope everyone had a good week!
Todays voting incentive is a sketch of Freya wearing the clothes she first appeared in 🙂
Have a great weekend and be safe!
Damn, and das boot has finally dropped. We’re getting all of Belvedere’s lore, aren’t we?
Well. Freya being Belvidier’s daughters is something I did NOT see coming.
I do wonder what her animosity toward him is about though. Hopefully we learn more about this as well.
Perhaps a feeling of having been neglected over his duties as overlord? something to that effect seems likely.
way back when she thought about Hero’s fighting style and that it could not be . Which would have been Belveders style.
Yeah, I left little clues here and their. 😉
Gotta be my longest call back to date. 😀
Well, that puts paid to my theory. But thinking on it, that’s the only way it could have happened from way back when.
Well, this one sure does approach M.O.A.B.-territory.
sorry, wrong post.
He never said he was married — but also didn’t say he wasn’t…
wow how many bombshells are gonna drop on us here
how many?
Enough to empty a couple B.U,F,Fs (Vietnam-era B-52 Stratofortress)
You should worry about the POWER of each bomb.
Well, this one sure does approach M.O.A.B.-territory.
I wonder how people will react when the really big bombshell drops this chapter? Well, we’ll just have to wait and see. 😉
Well, there’s some serious editing to the TV Tropes entries to be done!
And on with the speculation that Freya and Hero are siblings!
Daddy issues. Oh boy.
Is it weird that my first thought is whether demonic heritage makes them long-lived and/or immortal, so Ferny may not have to lose Freya after all?
Ooooooohhhhkaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy now. Ah, Belvidier has secrets that are layered on even more secrets very much like a chinese puzzle box. And yet I get the feeling that no one will every get the secret at the core of that one!!!
You mean like who is Freya’s mum?
That, as the old saying goes, is the $64.00 question.
Well, considering her daddy is a bunny, her mother is most likely a rat…
Not that it means anything (seeing how it was already revealed), but one doesn’t have to be a parent to change a babies nappies
True. Could be as simple as occasional babysitter, might not even be related.
Looking forward to learning more.
final panel: Pissed off librarian stare.