Volume Four, Chapter 17, Page 659
Sweet Dreams is now available on Patreon! And to celebrate the cover is also up in the Extras section that can be downloaded as a wallpaper.
Now with Sweet Dreams completed I’ll be able to return to updating Evon more regularly and to really get moving on the additional wallpapers for everyone 🙂
Damn, I wanted to show simply I was smiling at this page.
well, I really like it.
This is awesome.
I expect something horrific to spoil it at this point, but it’s still awesome. XD
I am enjoying the story so far.
This is usually the place for a “This could lead to dancing” joke, but they beat us to it. Fingers crossed that dancing leads Pre-Marital Hanky Panky™.
Best not to invite Joyce, then?
Can Hero dance? Probably. (It’s a royal court thing.)
Cue up Evon falling even harder.
Hmmm, for some reason WALK THE MOON’s song “Shut up and Dance” is coming to mind.
Well Evon, play your card right with the dancing and if no bad guys show up. You just might have a chance to get lucky tonight. ;3
Strongest word in the english language. put if in front oh any true statement and that statement becomes a conditional that needs further explanation.
This is getting good!!
I’m really hoping this ends in a kiss, I really am. So far my inner romantic is squeeing like a teenage girl at this (not to mention all the images I have flashing through my writer’s brain, now), so I’m really looking forward to seeing if this continues. You two are doing an awesome job so far, keep up the great work! ^^
And I have no idea why it didn’t show my Gravatar image, there. :/ Maybe I’ll have to go through the process again, or something. ~shrugs~
I like! Cute, realistic, heart touching, and almost bubbling with fun and delight.
Nicely done!
Thank you. 🙂
so glad Evon is stepping up her game! you go gurl!!
I love this comic so much. Though the inconsistencies with the updates makes my head spin. It used to be updated Monday AND Friday now it’s just updated either Monday OR Friday or not at all for a week. And we haven’t had a double weekly post in months. Brittany Y U DO DIS!? I need my Evon fix! 🙁
The “inconsistencies” were because she was working on the Patreon exclusive comic Sweet Dreams. If you want more comics here, pledge to her Patreon.