Volume Four, Chapter 17, Page 660
Completed page coming up later today!
Mr. Wax here. Britt and I had a sort of fun conversation a couple of days ago. It basically amounted to, “If you could make Evon into a animated show and could get any actors you wanted to do the voice acting, whom would you choose?” My two best ideas were Alan Rickman for Belvidier and Patrick Stewart for Traveller. Who would your choices be?
Whooo. New page and it looks like their having fun! Hope they have a brief respite before the fecal matter hits the rotating occelating machine. XD
Unfamiliar heels removed.
Now if they can avoid Hero waxing nostalgic about any of his past dance partners.
This is going quite well! Enjoy it while it lasts, heh.
This is really sweet. And now he’s opening up more to Evon about his past. And about his mother. <3
Bad, bad idea to dance bare-feet with someone in a boots.
Dancing bearfoot :3
I do not question your choices for voice actors, but I think there is a lot more to Belvidier than what meets the eye. I think he is capable of much more than what we have seen this far. Personally I’d go with Sir Sean Connery for this one. Not sure if he would do that though as he has pretty much retired I think.
Hmmm, maybe for Belvidier have Peter Capaldi (Dr. Who) do the voice.
An interesting choice. If he could lose that hint of a Scottish accent I always hear when he speaks.
I could see Evon being voiced by Milla Jovovich, and Hero being voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch. Maybe I’m just weird that way. :P~
Honestly, I would think that Patrick Stewart would be better as Belvidier and Alan Rickman as Traveller…