Volume Four, Chapter 18, Page 729
Happy New Year to everyone! I want to thank all of you for sticking with us for so long. You have all been amazing and understanding and I wouldn’t have made it as far as I have without your support. 2016 has been a rough year, but I am looking forward to 2017 and plans that I can finally put into motion! Here’s to a new year and new possibilities! 🙂
Well…it seems Belvedier is mortal after all!
And here’s wishing Ms. B, Mr. Wax and all of you out there a great New Year! May it be filled with the true riches of life, comfort and companionship and may you all find yourselves wanting for nothing.
And another hearty thank you to the wonderful artist and writer of this comic. May this be ‘Your’ year!
Hmmm, a Daughter he has? And all he ‘says’ is she is “out there somewhere”. I strongly suspect that he knows of what his daughter does for a living, but NOT exactly where she is doing it. Considering that the witch hunter recognized Mr. B., I have a suspicion that perhaps the daughter is carrying on the family traditions?
And for our artist & author, may the new year be a prosperous and safe one to come.
The butler becomes more approachable.
And now Evon is near the mistletoe. Will Hero notice and respond (first)?
Belvie’s a rascal, alright.
Happy New Year to all here, and thanks for another great year of a great comic, to both Britt and Wax. 🙂
I wonder if we’ll get to see good ol’ Belvedere turn loose and bust some moves on the dance floor!
Nice glimpse of his backstory too!
Happy New Year to all, especially those who work to produce this fantastic comic strip!!!
Wait, is she calling Belvie a rascal because he has a daughter out of wedlock, or because he’s about to have some of her ‘spiked’ punch?
You’re probably right. LOL. (In other words, probably both.)
If Evon didn’t know who her parents were, I’d be wondering if Belvidier was her dad.
Happy New Year. to all.!
As others have said here already, Happy New Year everybody!!
I hope everyone has a pleasant and peaceful year!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to Brittwax! I won’t wish it to the readership because I have only one wish and I don’t want to dilute it.
Incidentally, I particularly like Evon’s pose in the first panel and her expression in the last one.
Belvie hits maximum coolness.
…for a butler