Don’t mean to be a buzzkill, but we don’t know what Hero’s reaction is going to be. I my be a bit of a pessimist, but i don’t think his reaction will be a completely positive one.
I echo the ‘end’ part… sounds like possible bad news.
I’d really -REALLY- hate to se Evon go the way of the winds.. I’ve enjoyed this creative strip for a while now, ever since finding it by accident. Original, clever, nicely drawn/inked and VERY well written.
Me thinking the house staff have a long betting pool on how long for this to happen.
We all know out favorite butler won that Pool! But I must agree with the staff about the last page! ;3
“Finally! My 20 bucks have been locked in the betting safe for a year now.”
I like her face in panel 6. She’s like “Really? Is that the best you can do?” 😀
Am I the only one that is thinking, ‘Just fuck him and get it over with’?
We’ve only waited for this for…hella jeebus. It’s 2017 already! Damn this hibernation thing…
Man, the staff beat us to all the general reaction comments. They aren’t even signed onto the post board.
So glad one of them finally mustered the courage to take a bold step. Here’s hoping it’s not the last.
I think the top right word-balloon in panel 8 is Belvidier’s.
Awwwwww! About damn time!!!
LOL. I quite agree. It’s about damn time.
Damn girl, it’s sure took you long enough! Now get thee to the bedroom and finish the job! THE COLONEL
Don’t mean to be a buzzkill, but we don’t know what Hero’s reaction is going to be. I my be a bit of a pessimist, but i don’t think his reaction will be a completely positive one.
LOL I thought the last panel was a nod to all of us fans wanting this. Didn’t occur to me it was the staff.
that “The End” note worries me. Hopefully it’s not the comic that’s ending?
I echo the ‘end’ part… sounds like possible bad news.
I’d really -REALLY- hate to se Evon go the way of the winds.. I’ve enjoyed this creative strip for a while now, ever since finding it by accident. Original, clever, nicely drawn/inked and VERY well written.
Don’t worry guys, “end” appears at the end of every chapter 🙂
Thanks for the reassurance in the continuation of the comic. This calls for a celebratory affogato at Findlay.