It’s Friday, Friends! Hope y’all crushed your goals this week 🙂 Todays incentive sketch is a reminder that not all black cats are bad luck (NSFW). Now, onto the weekend!
It’s Friday, Friends! Hope y’all crushed your goals this week 🙂 Todays incentive sketch is a reminder that not all black cats are bad luck (NSFW). Now, onto the weekend!
We see what appears to be blood after an implied sword swing. We see what’s probably the shattered bits of Evon’s magic shield.
We do not know who or what bled (if it’s blood), or that a sword was actually used. We’re not even completely certain that was a magical barrier Evon cast.
Hopefully, it was Herodotus who swung that sword and put an end to the monster attacking Evon.
Now that’s an idea — “It’s not Venir, it’s the monster impersonating him (and others so it can take victims off guard).”
If we think logically, a downward swing of a sword would not leave that kind of blood-trail unless it was already sopping with blood. That looks more likely to be some kind of upward swing, sending a body reeling back, throwing blood in a curve away.
Of course, this being a drawn feature, it could just be artistic interpretation, and Evon still could have been cut down. ;P I tend to imagine that wouldn’t happen in her own feature, though. But who knows! Suspense! 😀
What a way to end the comic!
Eeep. Not good whoever’s blood it is! Evon ends up either terribly wounded… or terribly guilty for killing Hero’s (at least partially) friend.
Oh, no! Have we seen the last of Evon? Is she injured beyond repair? Nah. She’ll pull it off. Why? She’s Evon. LOL.
BTW, your voting incentive reminds me that I recently became the daddy to a cute little solid black kitten. I love black cats, always have. So, I’m glad I was lucky enough to have this one offered to me.
Speaking of the incentive, is she someone we should know? There are no black cats on the cast page. Here’s hoping we see
more of herher again.Mr. Casual – why would you suspect a downward sword swing? as you can see in the first panel the sword is in a lower position ready to swing thus upward. so the blood trail does make sense that it would be Evon’s.
Because from a downward position, a thrust is a more logical choice. At any rate, it’s moot at this point. 🙂