Welcome to Friday! Todays incentive sketch is an older sketch that I don’t remember sharing so I figured I’d do so now 🙂 It’s of a partly nude happy leaping bear gal (slightly NSFW). Have a great weekend, peeps!
Welcome to Friday! Todays incentive sketch is an older sketch that I don’t remember sharing so I figured I’d do so now 🙂 It’s of a partly nude happy leaping bear gal (slightly NSFW). Have a great weekend, peeps!
I dare guessing that a certain rodent is going to be pissed now…
Welp, get ready for a heaping helping of Sliced Venir on a Stick.
Welp, nice knowin’ ya, Ven… No, actually, it hasn’t been. Have a
nicegoodfair… oh, just have an afterlife.Yeah, kinda looks like Venir has rolled snake-eyes.
If Hero’s eyes are any indication, I’d say yeah.
I for see a major rage coming on, leading to considerable blood letting.
Welp, comic’s over. =(
Welp master chief vs locke I can tell form the next panel just with swords and bare chest
I’d bet the blood was his and he hasn’t noticed due to his state. Two fresh blood splatters on Evon, but the shirt shows no sign of being cut. Obvious bleeding from the dagger on the left, so it’s been a little bit since the swing. The line would match the spray from the last page, assuming upward swing, but no additional bleeding like the dagger. Betting she got a spell off as he broke the shield, which knocked her back. Of course I could be completely wrong and she just forgot the cut on the shirt.
I’m with Dracon on this one. Something’s fishy.
Thats not what i have seen coming. But now venir has it coming I would say.
That could be part of someone’s master plan: Hero overreacts and kills Venir (to what purpose, I don’t know).
Hero, chop Venir down, He’d got the crazies!
Venir is under some kind of malicious spell. It may be that Hero is being tested. Does he keep his cool, or does he essentially murder what could be an innocent person? It could be part of a larger plan to discredit Hero and/or weaken him.
Either way, Hero is screwed
Not as much as the arsehole who is behind this
I do like the new banner.
I am thinking that her shield slowed the blade down just enough where she got wounded but it wasn’t a killing blow. But that doesn’t matter. Hero is thinking Vanir killed her. Vanir is thinking he killed Evee. cause that who did all the bat shit crazy crap to him. he dosen’t know there two who look the same. Again don’t matter. hero is going to cut him up into tiny bits .