Volume Three, Chapter 11, Page 490
So marks the end of Chapter 11 on this Christmas Eve morning! I hope that everyone has a happy and safe Christmas with all of their loved ones tomorrow and I also want to thank everyone for sticking around for another year of Evon!
Happy Holidays and see ya Friday!
Good Comic! And Merry Christmas.:D
Good Comic! And Merry Christmas everyone.:D
Um…merry Christmas…thank you for the gift? Excellent work on the expressions and poses…
Ferneris may be a villain of this piece, but damned if I’m not starting to think of him as a protagonist. Stuff like this doesn’t help. All sweet and heartfelt and romantic. Villains who genuinely feel love are more compelling, I think. And I will feel so sorry for him if he loses Freya.
Mouse boobs. Just what I wanted for Christmas this year. Thank you, Ms. Shepard! And Merry Christmas.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Ferneris helps Hero in a way just so he can advance himself up the Cabal. Seems that kind of guy.
Merry Christmas to all!
Now, the real question is, sexier with glasses off, or sexier with glass on?
On, definitely. But variety is nice, sometimes.
You could make a strong case for both, really. With the glasses, she has that whole ‘bookish’ quality that hides a serious badass. While without them, she has a more mature sensuality and a demure look. Whichever one strikes your fancy (amid other parts..). Personally, I like both of them. And Merry Christmas to one of my favorite comic writers! Here’s hoping you get all those plot bunnies (or are those plot mice?) firmly wrangled into some sense of order.
Well almost losing all faith isn’t quite as bad as having Sevarian simply taking his life.
Maybe something will come of this. Who knows how Sevarian will handle the others if they fail.
A villain you can like is the best villain a story can have. You spend your time alternating between scheming ways to eliminate the villain and ways to convert the villain to the good side.
Merry Christmas to one of my favorite furry comic artists! I hope you have a wonderful holiday Brit, and a wonderful food-hangover to last the rest of the week! ;3
Merry Christmas to all!
Oh, yes, almost forgot. Merry Christmas to you Brit, and to the cheeky Mr. Wax. 😀 And also to all the other crazy denizens of this readership.
Naughty and nice, merry Christmas!
Merry Xmas and a happy new year, by the way, that’s gotta be one of the best love scenes I ever saw drawn, so realistic it stands out at you. You’re really terrific with your art skills!!
dispite being totaly evil they are a cute couple
Wha, already at Christmas, though I beginned to read yesterday ! You should begin to update twice a day ! (^v^)
This is why I love reading new comics from the start. I get to see their talent and attempt at art progress into something amazing! keep it up!