It looks like he’s taking cellular samples. There are three places on the female body where you can take living cells without using an incision. The mouth, the anus, and I think you can guess the third.
That looks almost like it might either be some sort of retractable cop night stick (usually used for subduing suspects by force) or an electrical shock stick of some kind. Either way I am pretty sure that ain’t no sample taking device.
Actually, it is. It is used to mesasure how much “mana” or magical energy a person has. And like most mesasurements of the body, it is best taken from inside the body. Unfortunetly for Evon, he has particular cavities he likes to stick it into. Xp
and speaking from experience, she is most likely screaming because its dry and cold. *shudders* had that happen to me at a ob/gyn and i am never going back. that was an absolutely horrible visit.
He could also be inserting it anally. Having had the misfortune of having a prostate exam, I can promise you that it ain’t fun being probed there. Add to this the probability that Evon’s a virgin there, it can’t be fun for her.
it’s guys like him that give people reasons not to get a ceckup
Either this guy has a thing for asses or this is going to be like the movie “Hostel.” Neither of those bode well for Evon.
I completely agree… which reminds me…
CRAP!!! I need to make an appointment for a prostate exam.
Why must you bring so many horrible memories of the doctor back, I JUST GOT OUT OF THERIPY… WHY!?!?!?! :3 i keed ikeed
What IS he doing to her exactly?
It looks like he’s taking cellular samples. There are three places on the female body where you can take living cells without using an incision. The mouth, the anus, and I think you can guess the third.
sampling her goods?
Yeah, okay, it just got creepier. The blood thing could be written-off as possible experiment fodder, but this? This is just him getting his jollies.
Not to mention the fact that this one wasn’t planned, he’s just kind of picking tools at random. “Hmm. What looks probey?”
Somehow I doubt that’s a cotton swab. ;?
Nope. That’s for later, when he has to do a vaginal swab.
That looks almost like it might either be some sort of retractable cop night stick (usually used for subduing suspects by force) or an electrical shock stick of some kind. Either way I am pretty sure that ain’t no sample taking device.
Actually, it is. It is used to mesasure how much “mana” or magical energy a person has. And like most mesasurements of the body, it is best taken from inside the body. Unfortunetly for Evon, he has particular cavities he likes to stick it into. Xp
Poor Evon she has to take a probe up the ass
He doesn’t look like a Gray Alien . . .
and speaking from experience, she is most likely screaming because its dry and cold. *shudders* had that happen to me at a ob/gyn and i am never going back. that was an absolutely horrible visit.
He could also be inserting it anally. Having had the misfortune of having a prostate exam, I can promise you that it ain’t fun being probed there. Add to this the probability that Evon’s a virgin there, it can’t be fun for her.
Ab alien abduction would be preferable to this.
Did he harvest some eggs?