I’m just waiting to hear this from the darkness
“You won’t have to…”
right before Hero comes out and proceeds to do anal rape with his sword on Oog Oog and Legune.
Too late, Bubbaclaw. *chuckles* That’s been gone for a while, now.
As for this guy, I doubt Hero’s incoming to kill him in the next few minutes, but I have no doubt that he will meet a very grisly and very deserving end.
Yep. This dude’s definitely uber-Creep. Then again, almost three centuries of life have probably instilled in him a level of arrogance one only encounters in career politicians.
Fear not fellow readers, a reckoning is coming, of that you can be sure!
And Ms. B? Did you feel the need to take a shower after these panels? Because Legune (French for ‘The Goon’? 😉 ) is one seriously warped SOB.
Yeah, I didn’t necessarily feel the need for a shower, but I did draw this page while I was at the school library and even though I do go to an art school I was just a bit uncomfortable doing it ^^
As to your statement about Legune heeding Evon’s warning, after seeing what she did to that necromancer when she was in full force of her magic, I think you made a slight understatement. That’s why I don’t think the magic suppressing collar is going to work.
Sorry I haven’t been commenting, I don’t have a comp anymore; so I have to use the library’s.
And holy fuck-toast. I come back to check (which I have to be careful of, since these last few panels haven’t exactly been public library-friendly) on the comic, and find I’ve been missing some awesome cheesecake-filled fan service. Of all the lousy times to lose a computer…x3
Well, I only have a couple minutes of time left (these sessions are timed…), so I’ll just leave with this:
You’ve both been doing a wonderful job with this comic, and I’m seriously hoping Hero gets there before Dr. Freakenstein there gets his paws (or anything else of his…) in her. I can’t wait for the next update, that I’ll hopefully get to see at some point. <.<
….I’m not sure if I should be happy…or very worried. x3 The writer in me just exploded, trying to come up with what the possible plot twists could be. ;3
~laughs~ Damn-it man, don’t do this to me. You know how a writer’s mind gets with this stuff.
I’m just waiting to hear this from the darkness
“You won’t have to…”
right before Hero comes out and proceeds to do anal rape with his sword on Oog Oog and Legune.
Why do I get the horrible feeling that Evon is about to lose her virginity to this creep?
Too late, Bubbaclaw. *chuckles* That’s been gone for a while, now.
As for this guy, I doubt Hero’s incoming to kill him in the next few minutes, but I have no doubt that he will meet a very grisly and very deserving end.
You’re right! I forgot she slept with that bear as revenge on Hero for standing her up at that restaurant.
well he’s doomed
Yep. This dude’s definitely uber-Creep. Then again, almost three centuries of life have probably instilled in him a level of arrogance one only encounters in career politicians.
Fear not fellow readers, a reckoning is coming, of that you can be sure!
And Ms. B? Did you feel the need to take a shower after these panels? Because Legune (French for ‘The Goon’? 😉 ) is one seriously warped SOB.
Yeah, I didn’t necessarily feel the need for a shower, but I did draw this page while I was at the school library and even though I do go to an art school I was just a bit uncomfortable doing it ^^
As to your statement about Legune heeding Evon’s warning, after seeing what she did to that necromancer when she was in full force of her magic, I think you made a slight understatement. That’s why I don’t think the magic suppressing collar is going to work.
Sorry I haven’t been commenting, I don’t have a comp anymore; so I have to use the library’s.
And holy fuck-toast. I come back to check (which I have to be careful of, since these last few panels haven’t exactly been public library-friendly) on the comic, and find I’ve been missing some awesome cheesecake-filled fan service. Of all the lousy times to lose a computer…x3
Well, I only have a couple minutes of time left (these sessions are timed…), so I’ll just leave with this:
You’ve both been doing a wonderful job with this comic, and I’m seriously hoping Hero gets there before Dr. Freakenstein there gets his paws (or anything else of his…) in her. I can’t wait for the next update, that I’ll hopefully get to see at some point. <.<
Trust me, this chapter has lots of very intresting plot twist to go yet. 😉
….I’m not sure if I should be happy…or very worried. x3 The writer in me just exploded, trying to come up with what the possible plot twists could be. ;3
~laughs~ Damn-it man, don’t do this to me. You know how a writer’s mind gets with this stuff.
Omg ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew and finally huge mega ew!!!!! Hero hurry your ass up this is nasty!! But yet I love this comic so!
This sampling and observation just became molesting and rape
I’m afraid Hero won’t make it in time. He’s going in the wrong direction after Legume’s “friends” killed the original kidnappers.
That was not a threath, it was a promise.