Sooo basically… he’s going to use her as a breeding tool to make whole armies of Forces loyal to him and no others. Considering that spellcasters seem to be able to live for quite a long time, I have no doubt that he’d be able to do it too.
Hero… get your ass there NOW!!!
That’s it…I’m going to start queing up the dramatic musical score before I open the comic from now on.
Mr. Wax? Take a bow on the story line!
Ms. B? Fantastic artwork in conveying expressions!
They probably will try that first, at any rate. It’s probably why Dr. Creepy is involved. And it makes sense to not waste time making kids one at a time when you can do batches (from a certain, sick point of view).
However, we don’t know that it’s strictly hereditary, or if it has an environmental component (ie, if close contact with a Force during gestation and development improves the odds of making another, for example). I’d wager that they take one of her ovaries to test tube with, and leave the other to go about it the old fashioned way in case the test tubes don’t work.
And, if you do it that way, there is very little reason to wait to begin the old fashioned approach (well, wait no more than two weeks, if Evon gestates like a human). Grim Dark.
I would not want to be in Evon’s mind right now. Regardless of how these knuckle heads will proceed, she’s got to be worried that she’s going to be continuously raped and bred for the rest of her natural life. very grim dark.
Cripes! So it’s gone from “possible violation” to “possible violation for the rest of your life”. Not a pleasant scenario.
One has a feeling, though, that the cover to this chapter has an indication of where things will go. Whether or not that comes with a happy outcome remains to be seen.
….holy crapples. I have a thought as to where this could go, and while it makes for a lengthy and compelling story, I’m not sure I like it. I reallllllllllyyy hope Hero gets his tail in gear and gets there before Maximus completes his ‘work’ as it were.
Sooo basically… he’s going to use her as a breeding tool to make whole armies of Forces loyal to him and no others. Considering that spellcasters seem to be able to live for quite a long time, I have no doubt that he’d be able to do it too.
Hero… get your ass there NOW!!!
please tell me this isn’t one of those “I am your father.” scenarios.
No. More like a “I will be the father of your children” scenarios. 😀
Mr. Wax…you are incorrigible…and we like it…
I’m going to puke if that happens.
Where the f*** is hero when you need him!?!?!
Achievement unlocked “50g Shit’s about to get weird!”
You could say that })
That’s it…I’m going to start queing up the dramatic musical score before I open the comic from now on.
Mr. Wax? Take a bow on the story line!
Ms. B? Fantastic artwork in conveying expressions!
Oh, I’m not going to bow just yet. Not when this are *just about* to get real intresting. }-)
Is it just me or does anyone else hope Hero helps this guy meet the prerequisite for attaining the Eunuch Warlock prestige class.
Only if he fails to bring about the pre-reqs for the prestiege class “corpse.”
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again…
Cue rape music!
Naw they’re just going to steal her eggs and raise th kids in vats.
Damn testtube babies.
They probably will try that first, at any rate. It’s probably why Dr. Creepy is involved. And it makes sense to not waste time making kids one at a time when you can do batches (from a certain, sick point of view).
However, we don’t know that it’s strictly hereditary, or if it has an environmental component (ie, if close contact with a Force during gestation and development improves the odds of making another, for example). I’d wager that they take one of her ovaries to test tube with, and leave the other to go about it the old fashioned way in case the test tubes don’t work.
And, if you do it that way, there is very little reason to wait to begin the old fashioned approach (well, wait no more than two weeks, if Evon gestates like a human). Grim Dark.
I would not want to be in Evon’s mind right now. Regardless of how these knuckle heads will proceed, she’s got to be worried that she’s going to be continuously raped and bred for the rest of her natural life. very grim dark.
O.O shit I thought we were done with the rape stuff… HERO WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!!?!!???!??!
i really didn’t think it was going to be so blatant, or even go in that direction, but,,, well, …. she really is in an unBEARable situation! *dodges*
Yeah, I was waiting for you to say something like that. 😉
Cripes! So it’s gone from “possible violation” to “possible violation for the rest of your life”. Not a pleasant scenario.
One has a feeling, though, that the cover to this chapter has an indication of where things will go. Whether or not that comes with a happy outcome remains to be seen.
….holy crapples. I have a thought as to where this could go, and while it makes for a lengthy and compelling story, I’m not sure I like it. I reallllllllllyyy hope Hero gets his tail in gear and gets there before Maximus completes his ‘work’ as it were.