Volume Two, Chapter 8, Page 385
Ferneris looks more annoyed than afraid, I think ol’ Max may come to regret this…
Another bit of news, Archery on FA has shared an awesome piece of fan art with me. I’ll be getting around to posting it onto the Fan Art section as soon as possible, but in the meantime you can view it and give Archery cookies and high fives here
Well, Fern is about 120 years older than Max, so he has that much more experience than Max. Fern ain’t even breaking a sweat, and Max is angry. Not a good combo for Max.
Also, first comment. I know it’s a little inane, but my first post had content.
Ahh, yes. The villain who’s so badass he merely _tolerates_ his opponent’s attempts to hurt him.
Dammit, I’m actually rooting for Ferneris. XD Ms. Brit and Mr. Wax, you guys have crafted a wonderful, well-rounded antagonist in him. Kudos.
Actually, in this case Fern and Max are both protagonists. Technically, they are both fighting for a cause, even if it is bad. Hero really doesn’t have much of a cause further than “protect Evon.” Too many times has “protagonist” gotten confused with “hero.”
I mean more in a literary sense, protagonists being the principle characters of a story, and antagonists being those that oppose them. Hero and Evon, whatever their causes, are very definitely the protagonists of this story. As much as those of us who enjoy good villains may desire otherwise, Ferneris hasn’t gotten enough screen time to be a protagonist. :j Perhaps if we see more of his relationships and motivations.
Did not expect such a fast response, but indeed you are right.
I just realized Ferneris isn’t that far from the name Fenris; norse wolf god.
I kept hearing it as Fenrir, but Brit put in both pronunciations. Dammit, when’s Fenrir gonna be a hero?
Not Fern, the actual Fenrir
Just finished reading up from the start.
I eagerly await the pwning of dear Maxie?