Geez, it’s only the cover and Evon already looks pissed. It could have something to do with her in shackles strapped to the wall…. Either that or someone stepped on her toe…
And speaking of toes anyone have a comic they want to pimp? (Yeah, I know, it doesn’t really have to do with toes…). The first one I want to pimp is a little webcomic called Catena. It’s been around for quite some time and I’m sure some of you have heard of it. I love it because it has a very Saturday morning cartoon feel to it, even though it updates every Monday. You can check it out here
Discussion (11) ¬
Angry evon is angry!! O.o also i like to pimp a web comic named Dread Night it hasn’t updated in a while but the art is amazing and the artist is working on new pages. hopefully they will be out soon š
This up coming chapter is another action one. Combat, magic, T&A… er that’s short hand for Terrific and Amazing… Honest!
Shorthand….um…yeah. OK.
Yep. Evon looks a mite ticked off. Gonna duck and cover now.
As for pimping a comic… Love it. Discovered it two weeks ago and read up to the present whislt recuperating from surgery. Just makes me feel good.
That or it’s the ungodly painkillers I’m on…
Would you believe, “Tough and Armored”?
But that’s OK.
Would you believe, “Toes and Ankles”?
Okay, I’m definitively intrigued now. And it’s not just due to the artwork. Oddly enough, the title “Into the Alchemist’s Lair” is really what’s got my attention. As there’s already magic and whatnot involved in the story, I was kinda wondering if alchemy was gonna be involved somewhere along the way.
Nice cover Ms. Britt. :]
Cool cover, as for pimping a comic, I’d go with Jack @, which is basically a modern epic. Also I make my own book on my youtube page
Into the Alchimests lair? Cue fma references!