Volume Two, Chapter 8, Page 383
Yeeeeah, not sure this is the white knight that Evon was hoping for…
Have an awesome and safe weekend 🙂
Yeeeeah, not sure this is the white knight that Evon was hoping for…
Have an awesome and safe weekend 🙂
Oh no Ferneris.:o Well pretty much I am glad Evon is saved for now. Where are you Hero!
Nice work Britt.:D
Has it stopped? Or do we just have a new conductor on this train of fools?
this rape train has way too many stops
Does the word “Fuck” sound too harsh?
Because seriously… that’s just about what I feel like screaming right now.
IMHO Rape has been used way too many times as a plot device in movies/comics/games/etc etc. I’m honestly kinda getting tired of seeing it in media, no matter where it be.
BUT, I WILL give Britt credit where it’s due. She didn’t include rape just because “Ooohh, it’s edgy and shocking.” The bad guy actually had a long-ranging plan that required it. Much more than I can say for all those other stories that include it as a plot device. 🙂
Hey Barry is that how you crash a party?
Yes it is other Barry, yes it is.
I know it’s silly of me, but I still snicker when I see Maximus sitting there, butt nekid, with his boots on. 😀
Hey, he doesn’t need the shoes to be off 😉
I just caught this comic a couple weeks ago from Furaffinity, and I have to say, I love it.
As for today’s comic:
I feel while Ferneris may have very few qualms, rape may be one of them, or perhaps he could be more anti-hero, although, given past events that does seem unlikely. Still, not a fan of rape, and am glad it was stopped (hopefully).
I guess Ferneris found out what happened to his minions, and identified Legune as the perpetrator. Maybe Legune’s constructs did not do a good job at cleaning up? He might not know Legune was in cahoots with Maximus before; he sure knows now 😉
I guess we are in for a fight!
If Ferneris gets the upper hand… That could trigger interesting developments 🙂
… I was hoping for someone on the good side but at least no rape for now
Okay…called it? I guess?
I too treasure buck-naked baddy in booties blown backwards from bound bear butt onto his backside.
Brilliant, Britt…but…bastard blocking beams…
;D I’m sorry…Mookie made me do it…
No, Spark made you do it. Change your story and I’ll give you that thing you like.
Look again. It’s now diamonds.
Anything is possible when you surf the internet.
I’m on a horse.
Que up the “oh shit” music
I (was one of the likely several who) called it! Ferneris bringing the smackdown! Gotta say, there’s something to love about a villain that earns some badass-respect, despite being a villain.
Not to mention a villain that still has some honor, and lines that are _not_ to be crossed. Say what you will about the man, but I’ll just bet you he is not a fan of rape.
Kick. Ass. Entrance.
Well, this would be a good time for Hero to show up…
He’d be bringing a sword (and some good martial arts chops) to a mana fight with two high-power sorcerers. And Evon is still tied down wearing a drap so she probably (barring a dea ex machina) won’t be able to contribute much.
Waiting with bated (there, I spelled it right!!) breath for the next thrilling episode!
got to say the bad guy got nice abs 😛 and he didn’t take his shoes off, what a non gentleman 😛